Frutic 2019 - Innovations in Pre- and Postharvest Supply Chain of Fresh Produce
The symposium took place
on September 04, 2019
at Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong.
The FRUTIC Symposium on Innovations in Pre- and Postharvest Supply Chain of Fresh Produce will cover the following topics:
- Emerging markets and technologies in fresh produce
- Advances in packaging and storage technologies
- Digitization in horticulture
Here you can download the whole program (pdf, 1MB)
Dr. George Manganaris
Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
“Advancements in postharvest protocols of fresh produce, commercially adopted by the fruit industry”
Prof. Dr. Kerry B. Walsh
Central Queensland University, Australia
“Taking the packhouse into the field - Experiences with in-field fruit sizing, counting and quality evaluation”