Frutic 2022 - 14th International FRUTIC Symposium
The symposium took place
on 29th June - 1st July 2022
at Hotel Olympia, Valencia, Spain
organized by
- Metabolomics for quality and safety
- Spoilage and pathogenic organisms: biology and control
- Sensorial, nutritional and functional attributes
- Diagnostic kits
- Fruit quality, safety, hygienic treatments
- Volatile organic compounds
- Postharvest decay and physiological disorders
- Postharvest treatments, technologies, and handling equipment
- Shelf-life assessment and prediction
- Advances in packaging and storage technologies
- Emerging technologies and precision agriculture
- Sensors and digitalisation pre and postharvest
- Fresh produce supply chain
- Irrigation and fertilisation
- Water treatment and footprint
Here you can download the whole program (pdf, 1MB)
David Bernardo Lopez Lluch
Área de Economía, Sociología y Política Agraria. Universidad Miguel Hernández (Elche, Alicante)
"The four quality spheres of an agri-food product "
Amauri Rosenthal
Embrapa Food Technology. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"Emerging nonthermal processing technologies for tropical fruit products and ingredients"